Resource Description Framework (RDF)

Core RDF classes to keep the internal consistency of the ontology

@prefix rdf: <>

The following classes are defined:

List, Property, langString



The class of RDF Lists.

Class hierarchy

G rdf:List rdf:List rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource--rdf:List

RDF Diagram

G rdf:List rdf:List rdf:List->rdf:List rdf:rest rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource rdf:List->rdfs:Resource rdf:first


Name Type Notes Description
first Resource The first item in the subject RDF list.
rest List The rest of the subject RDF list after the first item.

Predefined instances

rdf:List has the following predefined instances:

  • rdf:nil


The class of RDF properties

Class hierarchy

G rdf:Property rdf:Property rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource--rdf:Property

RDF Diagram

G rdf:Property rdf:Property rdf:Property->rdf:Property nrl:secondaryIndex rdf:Property->rdf:Property rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource rdf:Property->rdfs:Resource rdfs:domain rdfs:Class rdfs:Class rdf:Property->rdfs:Class rdfs:range rdfs:Class->rdf:Property nrl:domainIndex


Name Type Notes Description
fulltextIndexed boolean Whether the property is full-text indexed. This is a Tracker extension
indexed boolean Whether a property has an index. This is a Tracker extension
maxCardinality integer Specifies a maximum value cardinality for a specific property
propertySpecification string Link to upstream specification for an ontology property. This is a Tracker extension
secondaryIndex Property Whether subject and object properties share an index. This is a Tracker extension
weight integer Property weight on full-text search relevance. This is a Tracker extension
domain Resource A domain of the subject property
range Class A range of the subject property
subPropertyOf Property The subject is a subproperty of a property



The datatype of language-tagged string values

Class hierarchy

G rdf:langString rdf:langString rdfs:Literal rdfs:Literal rdfs:Literal--rdf:langString rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource rdfs:Resource--rdfs:Literal


Additional properties for rdfs:Resource

Properties this ontology defines which can describe rdfs:Resource resources.

Name Type Notes Description
type Class The subject is an instance of a class

Credits and Copyright


  • W3C


  • Tracker developers (translation into turtle)

Upstream: Not available

ChangeLog: Tracker changes