

since: 3.5

Declaration [src]

tracker_batch_add_statementv (
  TrackerBatch* batch,
  TrackerSparqlStatement* stmt,
  guint n_values,
  const gchar** variable_names,
  const GValue* values

Description [src]

Adds a TrackerSparqlStatement containing an SPARQL update. The statement will be executed once in the batch, with the values bound as specified by variable_names and values.

For example, for a statement that has a single ~name parameter, it could be given a value for execution with the given code:

const char *names = { "name" };
const GValue values[G_N_ELEMENTS (names)] = { 0, };

g_value_init (&values[0], G_TYPE_STRING);
g_value_set_string (&values[0], "John Smith");
tracker_batch_add_statementv (batch, stmt,
                              G_N_ELEMENTS (names),
                              names, values);
batch.add_statement(stmt, ['name'], ['John Smith']);
batch.add_statement(stmt, ['name'], ['John Smith']);

A TrackerSparqlStatement may be used on multiple tracker_batch_add_statement() calls with the same or different values, on the same or different TrackerBatch objects.

This function should only be called on TrackerSparqlStatement objects obtained through tracker_sparql_connection_update_statement() or update statements loaded through tracker_sparql_connection_load_statement_from_gresource().

Available since: 3.5

This method is renamed to tracker_batch_add_statement() in language bindings.



Type: TrackerSparqlStatement

A TrackerSparqlStatement containing a SPARQL update.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: guint

The number of bound parameters.


Type: An array of gchar*

The names of each bound parameter.

The length of the array is specified in the n_values argument.
The data is owned by the caller of the method.
Each element is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Type: An array of GValue

The values of each bound parameter.

The length of the array is specified in the n_values argument.
The data is owned by the caller of the method.